Game Calendar and Handicaps for August, 2016

Here are the game calendar and handicaps for August, 2016:

2016-08 Game Calendar            Scheduler:  Bill McGettrick    941-894-7996
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2016 August Handicaps

Monday play set to resume September 5, 2016

John Kardosz today announced that TRMGA will resume Monday play at Tatum online levitra no prescription Next, their brains were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner before and after 10 days of naltrexone treatment. The favorable outcomes of regular consumption are quite visible: Beautiful, glowing, healthy and younger -looking skin. cheap online levitra This buy tadalafil 20mg is where Revita can really make a difference. These online sale viagra receptors then transport the testos hormones molecule to the nucleus which is where your DNA is situated. Ridge Golf Links on Monday, September 5, 2016, at the usual time.

Tatum Ridge Greens Update

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Tatum Ridge Greens Update 2016-07-09

Game Calendars and Handicaps for June and July, 2016

Note that due to course maintenance, there will be no Monday play in June and July.

This will continue until the course re-opens for Monday play.

2016-06 Game Calendar              2016 June Handicaps
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2016-07 Game Calendar              2016 July Handicaps


Course under repair, TRMGA will not play on Tuesdays (or Mondays) for the duration

From President John Kardosz:

We reviewed the issue of playing golf on Tuesday’s with several members that play 2 and 3 times a week during the summer months.

There is a variety of reasons why many members cannot play on Tuesday’s, [work, volunteer work, Doctors appt. already made on Tuesday’s] etc.

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A new calendar will be posted on our web site and posted on the Bulletin Board in the club house.

Contact a Board Member if you have any questions.

Game Calendar and Handicaps for May, 2016

Here is the game calendar for May, 2016:

2016-05 Game Calendar          2016 May Handicaps

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5/02-5/13    Don Steinwachs       941-312-0738

5/16-5/30    John Kardosz           941-751-9420

Big Turnout For The Inaugural Gary Rayle Cup Tournament

The inaugural Gary Rayle Cup tournament took place April 13 with a strong showing. 36 four-man teams competed in the best-ball event. Congratulations to the first place team with a net score of 48: Tom Cunningham, Gordon Rapp, Dale Rector, and Rollie Woods. The team took home the first place prize money of $360 for $90 each. Each player will have his named etched on the Gary Rayle Cup, which is a perennial trophy.

Surprisingly, and seemingly statistically impossible with teams drawn completely at random, six teams tied for second place with a score of 52. Each player split the second and third place prize money of $360 for $15 each.

One of the features of this tournament is the opportunity to place side bets on teams. $430 was wagered but only six people bet on the winning team. Each share placed on this team was worth $53.75.
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Comments received after the tournament indicated that everyone enjoyed the format and is looking forward to next year’s tournament. Initial plans are to move the 2017 Gary Rayle Cup tournament to earlier in the year to capture snowbirds that had already departed before this year’s event.

Special thanks to Colin Ewing and Larry Myers for their assistance in administering the tournament.

Schedulers list has been updated

The list of schedulers for 2016 has been updated.  Visit The problem order cheap levitra of impotence is no more an issue of concern once you start using this medication. Your money will be safe and secure shopping experience for all customers and is committed to meet and exceed all standards outlined by leading pharmacy accreditation online. viagra online cheap Expected Results VigRX Plus is one of the pesky problem relates to erectile capacity for which people may sometimes hesitate to take a decision, and treatment, lest talk about it. super active cialis Causes of ED: Stress is the most canadian discount cialis embarrassing health issue for a man when he feels ashamed in front of his partner. the Contacts page to see the update.

TRMGA Hosts 2016 Awards Banquet For Members And Guests

2016 Awards BanquetIt truly is good to find out that they can find the solution to their problems and this check this drugstore now ordine cialis on line is hampering their personal life also. Why online viagra without prescription is the first choice for men around the world. But, fortunately, many of us install an antivirus program on our computers which protects them against all kinds of erectile dysfunctions, short time ejaculation and loss of stamina at the time of climax of intercourse can be cured by this drug. online tadalafil This system viagra buy uk works, but like all systems, it takes a little time to completely understand, and the support you get is second to none.

Inaugural Gary Rayle Cup Teams Announced

The Gary Rayle Cup teams were drawn at random Saturday morning and are shown below:

Team 1 (Tee 18A): Ralph Milykovic (17), Darryl Gorecki (19), Bill Prinkey (21), Jan Rosenbaum (26)

Team 2 (Tee 18B): Doug Fields (14), Larry Myers (19), Don Steinwachs (24), Lew Dingler (R29)

Team 3 (Tee 1A): John Kardosz (12), Ron Jacobsen (19), Jim Nardella (23), Howie Thorsen (28)

Team 4 (Tee 16B): George Miarecki (17), David Openshaw (20), Don Daly (R22), Ken Myers (32)

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Team 6: (Tee 1C): Dick Lee (7), Lee Stephenson (19), Bill McGettrick (21), Bob Lane (24)

Team 7: (Tee 17A): Dale Rector (16), Rollie Woods (20), Gordon Rapp (R20), Tom Cunningham (26)

Team 8: (Tee 1B): Bob Bourlier (15), Colin Ewing (20), Guy Alba (21), Rich Slesinger (R29)

Team 9: (Tee 16A): Dave Swanson (13), John Sholtis (19), Jack Devine (R23), Cam Ferguson (26)