2015 TRMGA Awards Banquet a Big Hit With Members and Guests

The Tatum Ridge Men’s Golf Association held their annual awards banquet on March 27, 2015, at Tatum Ridge. This year’s event set an attendance record with over 80 members and guests present.

After a happy hour with drinks and appetizers and a fantastic three-course meal prepared and served by the golf course dining staff, the Board of Directors led by President John Kardosz recognized the following 2015 tournament winners:

Ryder Cup: Sunbirds

Match Play Champion: Rollie Woods

Club Championship:

Club Champion: Ron McGee

A-Flight First Place: Bill Burns

A-Flight Second Place: Stuart Macfarlane

A-Flight Third Place: Bob Bourlier, Tom Fields, Lee Stephenson (tie)

B-Flight First Place: Ron McGee

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B-Flight Third Place: Colin Ewing

Ron McGee was presented with the traditional super-sized “Club Champion’s Jacket” awarded each year to the Club Champion. This is not the first time that Ron has donned the jacket and he wears it well.

John asked new members to stand and over 15 new members were recognized. This was a visual reminder of the growth and vitality of the TRMGA.

John presented a gift of appreciation from the TRMGA to Tatum Ridge Golf Links General Manager Jerry Burton who is retiring this year. Eddie Rodriguez was introduced as Jerry’s replacement.

One of the annual traditions is to recognize the President and CEO of Tatum Ridge Golf Links, Adrienne Anderson with a gift, usually in the form of a gag. However, this year, Adrienne was presented with a very practical rocking chair, which can be seen in the pro shop.

And as always, special thanks to a member from Buffalo/Siesta Key (who wishes to remain anonymous) for his generous donation of over 30 bottles of wine, which were given out as door prizes.

Thanks to John Sholtis whose efforts contributed to the large attendance and overall success of the event. Additional thanks to John Kardosz for preparing an elaborate display and video montage of photos from previous awards banquets.

The comments received from attendees reveal that all attendees thoroughly enjoyed the evening and the fellowship of association members, wives and guests.